Thesis: The problem with young kids lacking energy and in school, becoming overweight at a young age and not being motivated could be caused by not eating healthy at lunch and schools not providing healthy options.
Firstly i am going to explain how the lack of energy in kids is mainly from an unhealthy diet. Based on eating a homemade lunch compared to eating school lunch isn't always considered healthier. Growing up my mom would always make my brother and i lunch to take with us rather than buying school lunch, yet my mom would buy things to put into our lunch that was almost worse then the schools lunch. Chips of course was always a #1 thing my mom would pack us, fruit snacks , chocolate , really anything that was easy enough to make us get through the day. Not always was that the right idea to a "healthy lunch". Another reason why i find this a really important topic is because many kids are becoming overweight and being bullied to do the difference in size of their classmates. I find some of the lack of motivation in this due to the unhealthy lunches in school. To me , this is a huge topic that catches most peoples eyes when bullying starts to be involved. Many kids don't have control over choosing a home lunch or school lunch, and what kid is going to say no to chocolate and ice cream at lunch? I know i sure wouldn't. This is also pointed to the schools fault by not giving the option to healthy food, most of which the schools don't want to pay for or would rather get the cheeper option such as bags of fruit snacks or chips for half the price as a cup of strawberries. To me, this is a huge topic and i can relate to not being motivated when eating school lunches. Many things to write about and hopefully get my point across.